• The Portals
  • Overview


There are two kinds of portals produced for the Gray Foundation consortium.

The "Analysis Portal" allows processed data from the consortium projects to be visualized and explored interactively. The "Analysis Portal" combines a suite of specialized applications/platforms that allows visualization of the processed data in the most appropriate manner. In the Analysis Portals section, we describe these different apps that will be available and which data are targeted for them.

For a quick overview of how data are processed for the "Analysis Portal" components, see Data Processing.

The other type of portal is the "Data Portal" (from which these docs were linked), which aims to surface all data contributed by the consortium, not only the processed/visualizable data. In the Data Portal section we described how it is an entrypoint for raw data and other data that might be of great value to other researchers; the emphasis is more on data access than analysis. For more information on "Data Access", see also the governance page.

Last updated on December 7, 2022